Friday, September 6, 2013


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I've spent all this week cooped up at home and in bed in pajamas, a hoodie and fuzzy socks. I caught a cold this past weekend and it's been full force ever since. My days have consisted of catching up on reality tv, sleeping, eating soup, drinking yellow gatorade and sneezing till my head hurts. So besides trying to catch up on required readings from classes I've missed, I've spent most of my time redesigning this blog and browsing various home decor shops online.

It seems that with every seasonal change we come upon I always get this urge to redecorate. Last time I got this inspiration to redecorate was back in January and I ended up painting the walls and changing everything to get the look I wanted. My room is always in a constant state of change. I love to move things around, put things away, buy new items - basically I get bored very quickly. and just recently over the past couple of months I've started to really love how everything has come together. It takes time to get everything to feel and look right. I've always had the mindset that it's better to buy items gradually over time, because when I do this I always end up with more unique pieces and with a bedroom that really represents who I am and what I like. The thrill is in the hunt really.

That said, I've been looking for a new desk for a while now and I finally came across this industrial style desk from West Elm. It's just perfect. So finding that led me to these other things that I'd also love to see in my room someday. I'm actually a big believer that you don't have to spend a lot to make a room look nice. Which is why most of my things come from Tj Maxx, Home Goods, Ikea, World Market, Goodwill - and in that order and sometimes on sale. But I'm also thinking ahead and I think investing in good design is a must. Especially when it comes to big furniture pieces. So if I slowly acquire this stuff now I get to take it all with me when I move out - hopefully into a place with a huge exposed brick wall, cause I've always loved that.

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