Tuesday, September 17, 2013


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Planner: Barnes & Noble / Laptop Case: Marc by Marc Jacobs

Week four of the fall semester is now in full swing and my first exam and assignment deadlines are quickly approaching, the first two being on Thursday actually. Did I have all intentions to start on that this weekend? Yes. Did I? Nope. Am I stressing about that now? Definitely. Life of a student - that's just how it goes sometimes, Shaking my head. Anyway, the first few weeks are usually pretty hectic since everyone is trying to get back into the swing of things. But by this point I finally have my set routine and schedule down. I now know how many times I can afford to press snooze before it really gets late, I know that sometimes dry shampoo and mascara are the only options, I know the exact time I have to be in my car so that I avoid the morning rush, and that it takes me thirteen minutes to walk from the parking garage to the door of my class on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and I also know that routine is good for me. It keeps me centered, productive and life is just better when you have shit to do! and the items above are all the things I use on a daily basis to make sure everything gets done. Admittedly, not always in a timely manner but it does get done and that counts for something right! So as we get later into the semester and everything gets a lot more chaotic and a bit stressful I'll have my little red planner to remind me to just keep calm and carry on. To everyone who is living the glam life of a student, good luck this semester! and no worries winter break will be here in no time. 

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