Saturday, September 21, 2013


I kinda hate hair. I hate styling it, cutting it, washing it. Everything about hair sucks. Especially when it's as thick, curly, coarse, and dry as mine. Good hair days just don't happen for me. But thank the holy hair gods that messy and ombre hair is what all the cool kids are doing these days, because thats always how my hair looks - minus the cool. Somedays I try I really do but my styling skills are pretty much non existent, so therefore my hair is always up or down but always messy.

So a few weeks ago I wanted a little change to my otherwise jet black hair, so I ombred again and ended up damaging it to no repair. So I went in for a haircut - did the whole forceful small talk with the stylist, accidentally over tipped and walked out with hair above the boobage area. Since I've always had ridiculously long hair, by my definition this is short and surprisingly I'm really loving it! Also some of the lighter color from the remainder of the ombre peaks through at the bottom which I also really love. Ok so besides writing this post solely to complain about hair I also wanted to mark this occasion because for once I kinda like how my hair looks and tomorrow I'll probably hate it.

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