Monday, August 19, 2013


Instagram Mentalitly: Instagram it, or it didn't happen. 

The process goes like this: Live life, capture your moments through the mercy of and iphone lens, add a snazzy little filter, and share. If your anything like me it takes an embarassing amount of time to choose the best out of a billion shots I took of a cupcake, starbucks, sunset, selfie. You all know the drill. Sometimes I question why I'm even posting a picture of my damn dinner plate, yet I carry on doing so becasue at this point it's second nature and I'm a product of the over sharing culture we live in. Anyway, I absolutley love instagram. I rarely even read my twitter anymore, there's just no app I enjoy more. Now while I do post quite often I do hold back sometimes and refrain from posting. So here are some of the photos I intended on instagraming but then didn't. 

selfie | retro motel on south congress | plucking jennette's eyebrows at my makeshift eyebrow bar aka the kitchen table | sushi!! | poolside | I'm trying to get better at drawing people so here is the finished result of one | at La Fonda Restaurant | Italian Ice with the bff | grilling veggie kabobs and corn | old pic of me with my ombre- seriously thinking of doing it again 

So those are the photos that didn't make the cut - my instargam rejects. More posts like these to come! 

Instagram: ariannatee

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