Monday, May 19, 2014


ricotta pancakes

Sundays during the summertime are the best. You get to wake up as late as you want, eat breakfast food for lunch, and take it easy. The day just seems to go by slower in the best possible way. So to start off the day I made Ricotta Pancakes. 

I got the recipe from Gabriele Corcos and Debi Mazar's new cookbook, Extra Virgin: Recipes and Love from Our Tuscan Kitchen. Gorgeous cookbook by two of my favorite and inspiring people. 

I was looking forward to trying something different since the pancakes I've always had come from a recipe my mom got from my grandma. Which by the way are delicious! but I was curious to see how the ricotta cheese would change the taste. This was my first time making pancakes so I messed up horribly on the first four but I finally got the timing and heat setting right. These are incredibly light, not overly sweet, and the ricotta gives it a lovely creamy texture. They are even great cold! I skipped on the extra butter and ate them with a bit of maple syrup. Amazing. 

*It would feel wrong to post the recipe straight from the cookbook which is why I haven't included it in this post. I'm still looking into copyright rules to see how it all works, but for the exact recipe I would highly suggest getting the wonderful cookbook or searching ricotta pancakes on google to find similar recipes*

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