Monday, October 7, 2013



Two days of lugging my big A camera around and all I have to show for it are pictures of food, and desserts, and drinks, and more food. Its like when I think about what went down all I can remember is it involved sitting around a restaurant table. My proof: I uploaded all my photos and the only thing to be seen were a shameful number of food shots, along with a couple of less then impressive sunset photos. I got to meet up with my good friend Brittany who was visiting from college and we caught up over more drinks and more dessert! Chai tea lattes and massive specialty donuts from Gourdough's Public House, called black betty and the puddin', Twas good! And a cold front swept in on us unexpectedly and with that my weekend was made! Now lets just get this work week going already! because come next weekend I'll be all over Zilker Park for ACL Music Festival weekend numero dos! ARCTIC MONKEYS in the flesh, say whaaa?!

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