Saturday, July 6, 2013


You know how if you live in the Northeastern U.S. you can sometimes travel a few hours and be in a whole new state. Well seeing as how Texas is damn huge, traveling on ground to another state can sometimes take a couple of days, rather then a couple of hours. So when we don't want to go to the bigger cities, we make do and take day trips to quaint little towns. Where the people are the friendliest of folks you'll ever meet and where you can find rows of cowboy boots in any pattern imaginable-yup you know you're in Texas when...

This day we went to a town called Wimberley, ate the best wanna be "Chicago dog" I've ever had and went into way to many knick-knack gift shops. I never end up buying anything from those shops so I don't even know why I go in anymore, oh yeah to catch a break from the over one-hundred degree temperature! Just about passed out a couple times- No really I actually got car sick. Note to self: Don't edit instagram photos while on windy roads. But regardless it was a nice trip and I don't know, something is just very charming and cute about these tiny little towns. 


  1. omg! that hotdog look amazing and the picture of u is brilliant! very cute post! :) need a video from u soon, though ;) lots of love xxxxxx

    1. wish I was having that hot dog again!! and thank you lovely :)) I've been so busy lately but I should be posting one this week :) Actually I've barely even watched videos, ;/ I know I have one of your videos to catch up on and a ton of others
